“Don’t eat oysters with months that don’t have an ‘R’ in them!”
Many of us have heard this before and it once was true. When there was no ice on the boats it was difficult to harvest oysters in the summer time. Oysters could not travel very far without keeping them at a cold, proper temperature. Sadly the warm oysters would die or pass along food borne illness. Luckily for us, now we can eat oysters year around due to ice, coolers, and refrigerated trucks delivering these beauties across the country.
Oysters are now enjoyed year around yet you have more options in the colder months. What do I mean by this? Well, warmer waters bring on frisky oysters — ya know, the time when they like to reproduce. Supply or selection is reduced due to this and we source Canadian oysters for our summer pool parties. This ensures quality and the sweet to salty flavors of the sea are still prominent. Oysters that are spawning, reproducing, will alter in flavor; edible?, absolutely, just not in its prime season. Typically this prime season is from September until April, just before the waters begin to warm. With our long summers in Texas, this season begins November 1st for our Gulf oysters.
All in all, oyster season for our bellies are year around! Just select yours from more northern waters during the summer or indulge in some buttery, grilled Gulf oysters.